Thursday, 21 July 2011

I feel like i need to post regularly aha. So i'll start. Well since the last time i posted, what has actually happened? Well, with that certain boy we keep having really nice, kinda emotional talks through texting and that and he said 'I feel like i can tell you anything, i really trust you, i dont know why' and he says stuff like 'much love<3' but it's like he's not joking? But i dont know haha. Yesterday we were talking for ages up until 3am when he was like 'I feel like going for a stroll, text me<3 xxx' and all this, then he ended up coming to see me for about 15 minutes. It was quite cute actually, until this morning i didnt really realise how cheesy it was haha.
I'm not sure whether i like him or not now, i thought i did but also yesterday, my friend started a three way conversation with me, herself and this lad that i actually get along pretty well with because he's funny and different from the rest. We've only had weird online conversations before and shortish conversations in person but my friend went somewhere and left us in the conversation and it was actually a really good conversation, we were literally writing essays to each other about stuff like tattoos, harry potter, just general stuff we wanted to do. I think he still likes his ex though, but he's lovely so. I cant see anything ever happening haha, just felt like showing you the mixed shit. I think it's because im emotional lately or whatever, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part two has just made me all afjbsfhjbsd lol.
Also a boy that was at the school bridging week i went to added me on facebook and we started talking and it was alright but at some points he seems a bit of a 'what i say is right' type of person, but generally he is pretty nice. He asked me what i was doing today actually and i say i might be going shopping (because i thought i was going to be with a friend) and then he said he might do that too even though he's already done that. Then i said 'Why dont you have a movie day' and he was like 'i might, care to join me?' or words to that effect. I was a bit like hmm, we havent been talking long and its nice to meet new people but i could just see it being all like AH and id be worried lol. So i just said that id already asked someone to go shopping and he said he's a busy man, he's going on holiday soon so we'll have to have a movie day after summer. I was like erm yeah okay haha.
Not much else is going on really, just cooked pasta sauce for the first time in my life, trying to butter my mum up, it tastes ok actually. Lets pray noone gets food poisoning haha.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Sorry i haven't posted for ages, even if i am talking to myself. Got a weekend job, on top of the have about 4 essays to write and loads of people keep asking me to do this and that. I even signed up to the library which i like, gonna need to bike there though or something.
In other news, i think i like a friend of mine. I used to like him ages and ages ago when i was younger. Then a while back we started texting again and he was unbelievably sweet, saying cute things, listening, advising, making me laugh and all that. Then we stopped speaking for a little bit, kinda went with different crowds for a couple of months and he got a girlfriend. A few weeks after he got a girlfriend all of our crowds started hanging out. He started hugging me again. His hugs are actually so warm and i just dont want to let go haha. So soppy, i know, shh. Im never normally like this. So yeah we'd always talk now and then. Then my mate had a free house and invited a load of random people but it turns out we got on well. He happened to be there and so did his girlfriend but it was like, even though his girlfriend was crying for some reason, he kept sticking by me and we were having a laugh, i could help being like this, i was drunk. Anyway, continually he kept hugging me and then loads of us went into a room and slept but even though he slept on the floor with his girlfriend, part way through the night/morning ish he came into the big bed and started cuddling me and holding my hand whilst his girlfriend was on the floor. Noone could see because we were all cold so had a fair few blankets on us. I was tired and it felt really sweet and i liked it.
Then there was the all nighter. I didnt see him much that night but when i did we were sat alone on a bench type thing. I sat next to him. He cuddled me and held my hand. We were fairly drunk but i still remember thinking that if i hadn't of moved my head to itch my forehead(awkward) then he might have kissed me. Anyway he was saying stuff like 'I used to like you y'know' and of course because i was drunk i was saying 'Yeah i used to like you too' and stuff like that. Nothing except that really happened though.
Obviously there were more meetings of people in between all these but these are the most significant. Then there was a day at a mates house. I tried weed. One person was on the floor chilling, one of my mates went home and me, him, my best friend and the persons house who we were at, were on the bed chilling. We proper 'monged' out and we were watching a film. My best friend and the houseowner started kissing (Previous history) So me and him just watched the film but as the bed was squashed and a single we were cuddling once again. He held my hand and was stroking my back. He still had a girlfriend. My best friend said she thought we were going to kiss or something. She said me and him were close and we made a good couple and apparently she said the same to him. Obviously i brushed it off because we were just friends and i thought we were just being friendly. Apparently he said 'Yeah... im with *girlfriend's name* though...' and that was the conversation.
Him and his girlfriend are on and off, they'll split up and then later that night you'll see them back together on facebook.
Baring in mind all this time me and him have been texting and such and he still says 'Sweet dreams' after i put a status on facebook ages ago saying that when boys say sweet dreams it makes me want to marry them(jokingly of course haha).
Then we were at my best friend's house the other day and she invited some people over. He was with them. Beforehand she'd been teasing me about him and saying stuff like 'He's coming over, ooooh' etcetc. &at this point i was still thinking we were friends. Then when all the people were there we sat in the garden chilling and i realised how much i liked being around him. &when he said bye he hugged me and i was wearing a kind of crop top and chinos so you couldn't she my belly as the chinos were high waisted but you could kind of see my back. He stroked my back, i don't know if i t was by accident or not. Before he came to my friend's house, we'd increased the number of kisses or x's we sent each other in text. Minor detail i know.
Then today i noticed that they were not in a relationship anymore and that was when it hit me that i must like him because i got really happy. We were texting and it was nice, he was putting more kisses than usual and being sweet. Then he said "I'm off to bed, night bub, speak to you soon! Sweet dreams xxx' and i started paying attention to facebook again. I noticed that an hour before, they were in a relationship again.

I don't know.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Idk, i have a want for this 'type' of clothing lately. I want to change my wardrobe. I want this top. Idc if it's on a male.

Can i have these please?

Yeah so basically i need money more than anything right now because my friend came round today and we planned out summer. Go to London, go to Great Yarmouth, Madame Tussauds, try loads of different restuarants, etcetc. Money, money, money. SIGH. &That's not even all, i have my own private list of junk like hair extensions, dip dye and other random crap i need. I also have like 4 essays to do. One is due before 25th July, happy times in my life.

I feel lonely. Cuddles needed. Can't pretend to be an emotionless git all my life.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Erm, i just thought i'd let you know that apparently i give good advise, so if you feel like letting something out, or asking something, feel free xx
At the moment, i'm really feeling an urge to change my whole appearance, i'm just bored and fed up. I want something different but not too different. I always get like this after i have a chilling day of food and just generally feeling bleh. Low on funds though which kinda sucks, ah well, hopefully i'll be rolling in it soon when i finally get a job and some money for my GCSE results, woot. I really feel like dip dying my hair... hmm, might give that a go. Knowing me it'll go wrong, also which colour? I really like the above image style.
I'd like to start off with a post about how uncontrollably excited i am for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow part two. I am actually going to be such a fan girl, i'm so bummed i missed the premiere! Ahhhjdbshvsh, it's going to be awesome and i never cry at anything but i'm going to cry during this film because it's an end or an era:( If anyone tries to remake these films, they'll die.