Thursday, 21 July 2011

I feel like i need to post regularly aha. So i'll start. Well since the last time i posted, what has actually happened? Well, with that certain boy we keep having really nice, kinda emotional talks through texting and that and he said 'I feel like i can tell you anything, i really trust you, i dont know why' and he says stuff like 'much love<3' but it's like he's not joking? But i dont know haha. Yesterday we were talking for ages up until 3am when he was like 'I feel like going for a stroll, text me<3 xxx' and all this, then he ended up coming to see me for about 15 minutes. It was quite cute actually, until this morning i didnt really realise how cheesy it was haha.
I'm not sure whether i like him or not now, i thought i did but also yesterday, my friend started a three way conversation with me, herself and this lad that i actually get along pretty well with because he's funny and different from the rest. We've only had weird online conversations before and shortish conversations in person but my friend went somewhere and left us in the conversation and it was actually a really good conversation, we were literally writing essays to each other about stuff like tattoos, harry potter, just general stuff we wanted to do. I think he still likes his ex though, but he's lovely so. I cant see anything ever happening haha, just felt like showing you the mixed shit. I think it's because im emotional lately or whatever, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part two has just made me all afjbsfhjbsd lol.
Also a boy that was at the school bridging week i went to added me on facebook and we started talking and it was alright but at some points he seems a bit of a 'what i say is right' type of person, but generally he is pretty nice. He asked me what i was doing today actually and i say i might be going shopping (because i thought i was going to be with a friend) and then he said he might do that too even though he's already done that. Then i said 'Why dont you have a movie day' and he was like 'i might, care to join me?' or words to that effect. I was a bit like hmm, we havent been talking long and its nice to meet new people but i could just see it being all like AH and id be worried lol. So i just said that id already asked someone to go shopping and he said he's a busy man, he's going on holiday soon so we'll have to have a movie day after summer. I was like erm yeah okay haha.
Not much else is going on really, just cooked pasta sauce for the first time in my life, trying to butter my mum up, it tastes ok actually. Lets pray noone gets food poisoning haha.

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